Weekend Promotions


The weekend is the best time to promote your Storefront & your Collections.

Why? It’s usually a downtime for many people, where they can take a look at a few things on their phones or computers, the general stress of the week is gone, they are looking for something new, taking the time to research their needs, etc. People will open their emails or be more on social media, generally more open to receiving something from you, take interest in your message and actually read it thoroughly.

Weekends are also the moment when we usually have something to talk about: Events & Holidays. Those are the best ways to interact easily with your community when they are open to chat and willing to connect & exchange with you and your content.

Finding “reasons” to talk to your fans is one of the best ways to develop your business.

Here are some examples of what you could do, to get inspired.


Superbowl Weekend Attire

Find your sweet spot for this particular weekend in sweater knit fabric. Celebrations, food, drinks, late-night, and excitation; comfort is key.

Promote your Loungewear products

Valentine’s Day Inspiration

Chic, romantic, date evening & outfit. What’s not to love? It’s so fun to take the time to choose an ensemble, get dressed up, and dolled up from time to time.

Promote your elegant products


Or a mix of both? 😉


You know by talking to your fans about a certain event happening the day you are talking about it, they won’t get products in time for this event, it’s not the goal. The goal is to create content, connect and talk to your fans on a deeper level. Create momentum, an ambiance, where they would want to take a look at your Storefront and, be like “Yes! I want and need those sweater joggers for the next event of this type”

The most important thing, always, is to stay true to yourself!

Don’t go out there talking about the Superbowl if you never watched a game in your life. Find what defines you & your art, your values, and keep this line. Those are just a few examples you can consider. Sky is the limit for what you can do!