Finding your customers
Boutique Habitude X Steve Young
Determine your clientele
In order to better target to whom you wish to sell your products, it’s important to know your customers. To do this, we recommend that you do a little analysis of your surroundings and your current customers.
You can take into account:
-Their gender
-Their age
-Their occupation
-Their personality
-Where they buy
-Their favorite places
-Their interests
-Their purchasing behaviour, etc.
Answering these questions will allow you to properly target what type of clients you want to deal with, and this will help you in all parts of your journey.
Reach your customers
Once you have identified your target audience, it’s easier to decide which medium will best reach them.
Some free solutions available to you are:
-Social networks
-& not to mention the word of mouth of course!
You can also use paid solutions such as:
-Ads on social media
-Christmas markets
-Organizing your own fashion show or in association with other artists.
Develop your clientele
Some resources necessary to develop your clientele are technological resources such as a computer, a good quality camera, and computer skills (if you are not comfortable, it’s recommended to ask a friend or a member family who can assist you).
These elements will allow you to get in touch with your current and potential customers in writing, visually with photos, and perhaps even develop a website or purchasing platform!
It also proves very useful to have contacts. In general, you already know your customers, so it is easy to introduce your products to them and that they spread the word to their knowledge. “PR” can go a long way!
You will also need a sense of organization and good accounting. These elements will allow you to masterfully conduct your sales and / or your clothing and accessories store. Take into account your cash inflows and outflows, decide on the selling prices of your products to be profitable, your business model, etc. will be very important so as not to feel overwhelmed by the events and to fully enjoy this adventure!
It is good to do a post mortem or evaluation of what has worked well for a certain period and what has been less so in order to focus your resources on the good avenues for the coming seasons! For example, Christmas markets in particular may have worked very well for you, but social media ads may not. You will then know what efforts to reproduce and what to bet on!
Above all, be resourceful!
New markets
Obviously it's best to focus on the customers in your area to start with. The ease of approach, the knowledge of your area (people, companies, newspapers or radio, etc.) and a significant point, the ease of delivery, are good arguments to start near you.
Once this market has been “exhausted” and you have started to sell your products, you can expand your network as you wish. From city to city, to new events and new sales locations, the opportunities are endless!
Additional opportunities
Boutique Portal
In order to reach more customers, you can collaborate with clothing, accessories or decor stores.
If you want more information on this subject, please refer to this link
You can also offer the sale of your products to souvenir shops in museums or in the gallery-shops of your region according to the same principle.
Your Storefront
On this platform, we invite artists to add their products to their Storefronts where they can sell products, without the work of selling them by themselves. A page is created with exclusive products that you can easily share with your families, friends, and fans.
With each sale of your products, you get a margin of your choice. We have also added a milestone system, which allows you to get new features and benefits at each level of sales.